If your life is already awesome and you need that ‘cherry on top’ to truly make it complete- Topper’s vivacious vibes are truly hard to beat! We think his love for life and pure bliss of every beat of his heart belong in the same energy spectrum as the giggles, laughter and joy found in an amusement park! Topper is very intuitive and quick to redirect whatever fun that’s captivated him by waltzing up to you at the slightest whisper of a need, and despite some of his brazen toy stealing ways- can act more subdued and shy around certain people. Topper is looking for a family who loves adventure just as much as they live for lounging around the house with hopes that their next companion will be a ‘chameleon’ who will shift into what’s needed to perfectly blend in to their changing lifestyle. If you are looking for the most happy dog in this litter- Topper is the one for you! Topper did show a cosmetic issue of a slight underbite, but this does not effet his eating in any way, he is a happy and healthy boy!
4.5# @ 8 weeks
Add some of these super useful addons to make owning your new puppy a breeze! You can add these to your cart when you’ve reserved a puppy.
We offer a safe and Reliable Ground Delivery service to anywhere in the USA for $300-$500 depending on your state. We also offer a flight Nanny Service for our puppies for $800-$900. We are available Monday-Saturday 9am-8pm by appointment only! 7% sales Tax is charged on puppies picked up at the kennel!
We are available Monday-Saturday 9am-8pm by appointment only! 7% sales Tax is charged on puppies picked up at the kennel! The pickup appointments allotted time is 20-30 minutes.
We offer a safe and Reliable Ground Delivery Service to anywhere in the USA for $300-$500 depending on your state. When getting your puppy delivered there is no sales tax charged.
We also offer a flight Nanny Service for our puppies for $800-$900 . There is also a $200 charge due to Blue Diamond Family Pups to take the puppy to the airport to meet the Nanny service. When getting your puppy delivered there is no sales tax charged.
You deserve a healthy, happy pooch and a breeder you can trust to treat their puppies well. We use specialized genetic testing to make sure that our dogs are free of disease and genetic conditions that put their wellness at risk. All of these precautions allow us to provide you with a 1-year guarantee for your puppy. This guarantee ensures the dog’s health and so you can look forward to many years of companionship with your new pup.